Journal of Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy


Pages: 35-39

Date of Publication: 30-Nov--0001

Academic detailing exercise course in RIKADAI: Toward the integration of basic and clinical science

Author: Hideyo Takahashi, Takao Aoyama, Akiyoshi Saitoh, Shuji Shimada, Tatsunori Suzuki , Ryoko Takasawa, Makiya Nishikawa, Yasunari Mano, Masayo Komoda

Category: Pharmacy

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A historic reform in pharmacy education was proposed in Japan in 2006. Japanese universities established a six-year education program that integrated pre-pharmacy, basic pharmacy, and specialized pharmacy courses with on-the-job training in hospitals and pharmacies. The goal of the six-year program was to produce pharmacists who are wellversed in science, arts, and humanities. Our university offers an academic detailing exercise course that provides opportunities for students to integrate basic and clinical science. Additionally, this course enables faculty members to participate in a collaborative investigation. Such experiences allow faculty members to expand their learning and develop a good rapport with one another. An academic detailing exercise course is likely to contribute to the progress of the pharmacy education system, yielding well-informed pharmacists with in-depth knowledge.

Keywords: academic detailing, mutual understanding, pharmacist scientist, pharmaceutical science