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Editorial Board


Ken-ichi INUI (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Japan) 

Executive Editor

Vishal Kumar GUPTA (JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research, INDIA) 

Associate Editors

Yunn-Fang HO (National Taiwan University, TAIWAN)

Eun-Seok PARK (SungkyunkwanUniversity, KOREA)

Rungpetch C. SAKULBUMRUNGSIL (Chulalongkorn University, THAILAND)

Masato YASUHARA (Teikyo University, JAPAN)

Xiaoyuan XU (China Pharmaceutical University, CHINA)


Editorial Board

Nguyen Van HUNG (Haiphong University of Medicine and Pharmacy, VIETNAM)

Tetsumi IRIE (Kumamoto University, JAPAN)

Ibrahim JANTAN (Taylor's University, MALAYSIA)

Daryono Hadi TJAHJONO (Bandung Institute of Technology, INDONESIA)

Beom-Jin LEE (Ajou University, KOREA)

Shu Chuen LI (University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA)

Wirat NIWATANANUN (Chiang Mai University, THAILAND)

Imelda PENA (University of the Philippines Manila, PHILIPPINES)

Fe-Lin Lin WU (National Taiwan University, TAIWAN)

Joan Zhong ZUO (Chinese University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG)

Journal Advisors

Ji-Wang CHERN (National Taiwan University,TAIWAN)

Moses S.S. CHOW (Western University of Health Sciences, USA)

Paul HENG (National University of Singapore,SINGAPORE)

Motoko KANKE (KhonKaen University, THAILAND/Kyoritsu University of Pharmacy, JAPAN)

Gurumurthy PARTHASARATHI (Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, INDIA)

Iqbal RAMZAN (University of Sydney, AUSTRALIA)

Yolanda ROBLES (University of the Philippines Manila, PHILIPPINES)

Sumon SAKOLCHAI (KhonKaen University, THAILAND)

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