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Author Guidelines

Editorial Policy

JAASP considers all submitted manuscripts that have not been published nor under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere. These manuscripts will be subjected to review at the discretion of the Editorial Office and the decisions regarding acceptability will be made on the basis of the quality and suitability of the work for the journal

Manuscript Format

Type-written manuscripts prepared using MS Word in Times New Roman font with margins of at least 1 inch or 25 mm on all sides. The letter size should be 9 except the manuscript Title is suggested to be 16. All headlines including Title should be in bold type. The title page includes full names of authors, academic or professional affiliations with cities and countries, and the complete postal address for the corresponding author (include e-mail address). 

The paper should contain the Abstract section of not more than 150 words, followed by 3-5 Key words. The citation of references in the text including Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion is by the author’s last name and year (example: Leu et al, 2008). Avoid online citation. 

Ethical Guidelines

  • Authors should have no conflict of interest with their submitted work
  • Studies involving animals or humans must include details of permission for conducting of these experiments or a notary verified letter of approval from the Ethics Committee or the Institutional Review Board in the Materials and Methods section. The study in humans should omit the identifying details of patients or study participants unless is essential that must provide the written informed consent from the studied volunteers for publication.

Tables and Figures

All the tables and figures (high quality illustrations) should be in separate sheets (one per page at the end of the text). Any figure submitted as a color original will appear in color in the Journal’s online edition free of charge. Print copy color reproduction will only be considered on condition that authors bear the associated costs. 

Manuscript Submission

Submissions can be made by an email attachment file to the email address at This email address can be additionally used for author queries on the submitted manuscripts. 

Full Research Papers

As a general rule should not exceed 4000 words. 

Invited Articles

Invitation articles from the editors. 


Discussion articles of current and important topics with maximum of 6000 words. 

Short Communications

Maximum of 2000 words with not more than four figures and/or tables that describe particularly pertinent findings may be submitted as a rapid communication. This section is not for short studies per se but for exciting findings, preliminary data or studies that did not yield enough information to make a full paper. 


The list of references appears alphabetically by primary author’s last name. Examples: 

Leu YL, Chen CS, Wu YJ and Chern JW. Benzyl ether-linked glucoronide derivative of 10-hydroxycamtothecin designed for selective camptothecin based anticancer therapy. J Med Chem 2008;51: 1740-1746. 
Over 6 authors, put et al after the 6th author. Follow the style given by Index Medicus for journal abbreviation. 

Aggrawal BB, Surh YJ and Shishodia S. The Molecular Targets and Therapeutic Uses of Curcumin in Health. New York:Springer 2007. 

Contribution to a Book:

Shen J and Lee VHL. Application of epithelial cell culture in drug transport in the respiratory tract. In: Wise C, editor. Methods in Molecular Biology Volume 188: Epithelial Cell Culture Protocols. New Jersey:Humana Press 2002; 217-232

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