Pages: 47-54
Date of Publication: 30-Nov--0001
The National Immunization Committee (Nic), A Philippine Nitag (National Immunization Technical Advisory Group)
Author: Romeo C. Ongpoy, Jr.
Category: Pharmacy
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The NIC has been established for 31 years in the Philippines and has been instrumental for translation of immunization science to policy. This paper describes and to some extent compares the committee with other NITAGs in terms of the WHO-UNICEF process indicators as well as the 4 main factors in health policy making generally being addressed by NITAGs; this was made possible through DOH documents, interview with EPI (Expanded Program on Immunization) personnel, and exhaustive literature review on the NITAGs of other countries. About this study, it was found out that generally NIC is compliant with the said process indicators and health policy factors with few recommendations on the committee representation, guidelines clarity, meeting frequency, conflict of interest processes and development of in-house experts.
Keywords: NITAG NIC Immunization Vaccination