Orientation to Community Pharmacy by online education amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Teaching and learning reflections
Author: Yunn-Fang Ho, Ling-Ling Hsieh, Wo Kin Chao, Yao-Chin Huang
Category: Pharmacy
In response to the unanticipated COVID-19 pandemic, a novel distance Orientation to Community Pharmacy course was held during the 2020 Spring semester. This report, by examining weekly activity and attainment of this unusual educational experience, aimed to (1) describe the design and implementation of the distance teaching, (2) recognize the similarities and differences in community pharmacy practices among regions of same cultural tradition, and (3) present teaching and learning reflections. The delivery of teaching was mostly through flipped classrooms by taking the advantage of digital social networking platforms. Both the student and the instructors expressed satisfactory views toward course implementation, although effort-demanding. The student stated to have benefited greatly from the course. The instructors felt rewarding, probably attributable to the student’s positivity and punctuality. These pedagogical experiences should be of relevance to future distance course designs.
Keywords: community pharmacy, COVID-19, pharmacy education, undergraduate course